MWUG Contributor Day Talk

MWUG Preparing for Contributor DayJenny Wong presented a brilliant roundup of Contributor day information and instruction which helped everyone prepare for the upcoming Contributor day on the 29th June – the day after WordCamp Manchester.

Don’t worry if you missed it, Jenny has made the slides available on Speakerdeck here.

You can also visit to see how you can contribute to WordPress or see the Contributor Day Page here.

Not sure how to set up your machine for Contributing to WordPress? See the handy instructions here.


You don’t have to code to contribute to WordPress, just come along and find out how you can join in!

The only requirement is that you bring along your laptop/tablet and don’t forget your power charger!

You don’t need a ticket to WordCamp Manchester to come to the Contributor Day, just come along and get involved.  ( Dietary requirements must be pre-registered though )